Category: BIOART

BioArt is an art practice where humans work with live tissues, bacteria, living organisms, and life processes. Using scientific processes such as biotechnology (including technologies such as genetic engineering, tissue culture, and cloning) the artworks are produced in laboratories, galleries, or artists’ studios.


Aristolochia elegans + BIG φαλλός


Name: MATRIARCHY / φαλλός
Born: 1/7/2021
Size: height 20 c”m | weight: 7,5 kg
PHALLUS are made out of materials: cement, fury
Price: €1500 (the final price can be negotiated with the client)
*This work is a reference to prehistoric art.
For sales enquiries, contact:
Ph0ne: +972 58 58o 2342
*Work is durable and high quality
*Worldwide delivery

Visits: 7



Name: “TH3M0TH3R / GA1A / V3NUS”
Born: 28/02/2019
Materials: gypsum, cement, Kombucha Leather, blood, fungus, seaweed, fire
Size: height 26 c”m, chest width 21 c”m, from chest to back 18 c”m
*This work is a reference to prehistoric art – late stone age Venus figurines.
*Work is durable and high quality
Price: €1500 (the final price can be negotiated with the client)
For sales enquiries, contact:
Ph0n3: +972-58-58o-2342
*Worldwide delivery


Life… Death… Transformation… – Metamorphosis as the basic law of Life.
In this work I have combined three important figures – three important concepts.
Mother. Gaia. And Venus.
I consider this work to be the embodiment of matriarchy.
The embodiment of Motherhood, Femininity and Beauty.


“I have always had a feeling that I am a stranger here …

There was always a feeling in the background that I was there, in prehistoric times … that I was the person painting on the walls in the cave, the mysterious person we would never know. Who was he? What did he experience and think when he painted there in the dark cave … Alone?

I have always been very attracted to prehistoric art. I create a lot of works that are like prehistoric sculptures, like rock paintings. In these works I use “primitive” materials, I make them “simple” … I want this “simplicity”, this “primitiveness”, to work with the hands, to delve, to sink, to disconnect.

I choose figures like a statue of a woman, like “Figurine Venus”, which symbolizes matriarchy and expresses my strong attraction to the Earth, Mother figure, Woman figure, Womb, Life source…

Perhaps this character is so attractive to me and I keep coming back to her in my art, precisely because I never experienced it, because I don’t know what a mother is, what a protective and enveloping figure is, because I never had a mother, because I never knew her, and I was never someone’s ‘Child’…
Maybe that’s why I’m so hungry for heat, why I need protection … and that hunger will never go away…

* Gaia, also known as Ashtoreth – the universal image of the goddess contains three forms or main titles – Queen, Virgin, Mother.”

*Words by Th3Max & Special thanks for Yonatan Fromm for the generous help ❤️

Visits: 6

FOR SALE¡¡¡ | φαλλός / patriarchy



name: φαλλός / patriarchy
born: 14/6/2021
size: height 20 cm
materials: cement, blood, fire
Price: €1100 (the final price can be negotiated with the client)
*This work is a reference to prehistoric art.
For sales enquiries, contact:
Ph0ne: +972-58-58o-2342
*Work is durable and high quality
*Worldwide delivery


Visits: 9



Name: “TH3M0TH3R / GA1A / V3NUS”
Born: 28/02/2019
Materials: gypsum, cement, Kombucha Leather, blood, fungus, seaweed, fire
Size: height 26 c”m, chest width 21 c”m, from chest to back 18 c”m
*This work is a reference to prehistoric art – late stone age Venus figurines.
Work is durable and high quality
Price: €1500
For sales enquiries, contact:
Ph0n3: +972-58-58o-2342
All rights reserved ©
*Worldwide delivery


Life… Death… Transformation… – Metamorphosis as the basic law of Life.
In this work I have combined three important figures – three important concepts.
Mother. Gaia. And Venus.
I consider this work to be the embodiment of matriarchy.
The embodiment of Motherhood, Femininity and Beauty.


“I have always had a feeling that I am a stranger here …

There was always a feeling in the background that I was there, in prehistoric times … that I was the person painting on the walls in the cave, the mysterious person we would never know. Who was he? What did he experience and think when he painted there in the dark cave … Alone?

I have always been very attracted to prehistoric art. I create a lot of works that are like prehistoric sculptures, like rock paintings. In these works I use “primitive” materials, I make them “simple” … I want this “simplicity”, this “primitiveness”, to work with the hands, to delve, to sink, to disconnect.

I choose figures like a statue of a woman, like “Figurine Venus”, which symbolizes matriarchy and expresses my strong attraction to the Earth, Mother figure, Woman figure, Womb, Life source…

Perhaps this character is so attractive to me and I keep coming back to her in my art, precisely because I never experienced it, because I don’t know what a mother is, what a protective and enveloping figure is, because I never had a mother, because I never knew her, and I was never someone’s ‘Child’…
Maybe that’s why I’m so hungry for heat, why I need protection … and that hunger will never go away…

* Gaia, also known as Ashtoreth – the universal image of the goddess contains three forms or main titles – Queen, Virgin, Mother.”

*Words by Th3Max & Special thanks for Yonatan Fromm for the generous help ❤️

Visits: 10