1st Pixelache Festival 2021 Announcement: Oodi site-specific.
6-13 June 2021. Max has been selected for PIXELACHE HELSINKI FESTIVAL. At the festival Max will present a project “PA1N MAP”. Pixelache’s 2020-21 Theme: #Burn___ . #Burn___ is the thematic premise for the next two years of Pixelache’s cultural output as an association, it connects psychological, social and environmental collapse, and how we can survive it, developing resilience.

In the open calls, the festival sought contributors and practices that engage with notions of psychological, social and environmental collapse, and how we can survive or recover from these conditions. For example, we were looking for themes of developing resilience, ecological reconstruction and sharing-economies, but we also appreciated less systemic and more personal oriented works. Site-specificity, process and partnership is the feature of this first festival announcement.

The venue Oodi Central Library was proposed and confirmed in February 2020, however it was closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic that Spring for several months. While connections and links need to be woven together in the festival coming together, it may be said that interfaces, metamorphoses, decomposition but also recovery connect the pieces curated on the festival programme. There will be activities and events with Oodi as a hub, as detailed below, with limited presence, and in some cases a virtual or physically-spaced one, it will be a full week of festival programme.


xɐɯ3ɥʇ at TAMI AGAIN¡¡¡ | 25/6/2020
BioArt Workshop and Lecture | Kombucha Skin, Blood, Taboo
This workshop is a prelude and fundraiser
for the upcoming exhibition ‘PA1N MAP/T0TAL R3CALL’ 1st time in Israel.
A chance to personally meet and support the artist, learn about the motivation for the project and the unique choice of BioArt philosophy.

link 2 event at TAMI



4/6/2020 Max gave Lecture and Workshop at TAMI (Israel, Tel Aviv)
“BioArt Workshop and Lecture | Kombucha Skin, Blood, Taboo”

25/6/2020 after a successful event Max will give Lecture and Workshop AGAIN¡¡¡



I have been selected for Performance Crossings 2020 / – Prague, Czech republic.

At the festival I will present Performance for “PAIN MAP” project.
Special thanks for helping and supporting:
Eyal Sella. Guy Ben-Ary. Yossi Madmony. Natalie Rublinetsky.




Por medio de la presente hacemos constar que Th3Max presentó la pieza de vídeo PA1N MAP/T0TAL R3CALL que formó parte de Biomedia: enfermedad, arte y medicina durante la exposición Memento Mori que se lleva a cabo en las instalaciones del museo del 13 de noviembre al 8 de diciembre de 2019.



MEXICO | Querétaro Museum of Contemporary Art
“Memento Mori. Biomedia, Illness, Art, and Medicine” is an itinerant video exhibition that brings together artistic proposals from different part of the world that incorporate biotechnological methods to address, question, or decode medical knowledge surrounding the body and illness. The exhibition has been carried out between performance artist Felipe Osornio “Lechedevirgen Trimegisto” and Meritxell Rosell and Lula C. Sánchez editors of CLOT Magazine. The exhibition opens on November 13 until December 9, 2019. More info at http://bit.ly/2Q8i8cG

At the exhibition Th3Max represented video documentation of “PA1N MAP” project.





M A N I C | The Big Anxiety Festival

15 OCT 2019 – 26 OCT 2019 | SYDNEY AUSTRALIA

In October 2019, Max participated in a festival dedicated to mental health.
At the festival, Max presented a video documentation of  “PA1N MAP” project.

*Authorship by curator Ivana Jovanovic.
“Happy to provide you with feedback and interactions people had with your work.
A few key things stood out when we did the screening of the work in the lecture theatre on opening night. I had a few people come up to me who spoke about how brave it was that you shared this project and process of recovery from self harm. A lot of people were interested in the Kombucha skin samples we had displayed, and about the process of making them. A few people found the video very difficult to watch because of the nature of the content, and that it is a very personal work. Many people over all who did experience the video talked to me about how it was a very important to show this kind of work, that although it was challenging, they felt like it was a necessary thing to show in an exhibition that talks about mental health.”



15 OCT 2019 – 26 OCT 2019 | SYDNEY AUSTRALIA | The Big Anxiety Festival

M A N I C explores the tenuous and personal relationships between creativity, productivity and mental wellbeing.
The exhibition has engaged emerging artists, writers and creatives to amplify discussion around mental ill health through lived experience.

Th3Max represents video documentation of PAIN MAP project.
*Curatored by Ivana Jovanovic.

Photos by Cynthia Sciberras ©



14/6/18 Max gave Lecture and Workshop at THE GARAGE PRE-ACADEMIC ART SCHOOL
“BioArt | Kombucha”
Special thanks to Dalit Sharon – which established the place.
I also talked about Guy Ben-Ary – great BioArtist and Human.
Also thanks for students – I was happy to be with you.
The Garage, a NGO Public Service was founded with a vision of enabling people facing mental health issues to cultivate their unique artistic talents so as to develop, grow and be able to become contributing, working members of society.


Interview with Th3Max for CLOT Magazine “TH3MAX, and the aestheticization of pain”


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