The intellectual process behind the use of Kombucha, tree spikes, blood, flowers in this project was driven by the need to express the sharpness of a relationship between me and a loved one. I had the initial idea of a double portrait representing the endless dualism between us while expressing our wish to stay connected. I wanted to attach two skulls each turning in a different direction (symbolizing duality). At one point it became clear and unequivocal that the skulls must be separated, each with its own autonomy, and so the project changed. I accepted the reality of our relationship (very not easy process… ) and once I did that the creation process was complete. These materials symbolize the effort I made in Life, efforts of understanding and acceptance. Metamorphosis as the basic law of Life. All things must always be in transformation as a moral way of living.
*Words by Th3Max and M1N0TAUR.
A HUMAN DISGUISE (also human guise and sometimes human form) is a concept in fantasy, folklore, mythology, religion, literary tradition, iconography, and science fiction whereby nonhuman beings such as aliens, angels, demons, gods, monsters, robots, Satan, or shapeshifters are disguised to seem human. Stories have depicted the deception as a means used to blend in with people, and science fiction has used the dichotomy to raise questions about what it means to be HUMAN.
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