xɐɯ3ɥʇ S3A SH0P

Price for digital original file: €40  COPYRIGHT NOTICE©   TERMS OF SALE
For sales enquiries, contact: Th3Max@protonmail.com
Ph0n3: +972-58-58o-2342 
All rights reserved ©
Worldwide delivery

In the shop you can order S3a’s prints in sizes: up to 150×100 cm. + option to order original digital images.
I work with The Print House. You can see options for printing, materials, etc. on their website.
Price depends on size and materials.
Printing options at the request of the customer – are welcome.
*Prints is durable and high quality.
*All pictures are in ‘camera’ no additional editing at all.

Gallery summarizes 5 years of total self-isolation carried on the seashores.
Shore line! What is the coastline? An oxymoron … human experience, simplifying the endless possibilities, between the sea and the land, with one look – inclusive. Human experience, to summarize in two words. The eternal cycle. Of the ebb and flow, to infinity … and even more … we can find in this expression, human experience – to blur the consciousness. The driving force of tidal cycles – nature itself. Within nature … the encounter between the sea and the land is total … and uncompromising … a space of overlap … minimal … between separate universes … that cannot be skipped between them, by jumping. For most creatures, the overlapping area between the sea and the land is the end of the road. A point from which it is not possible to continue moving forward, one can only freeze in place or turn back.
Pull back?
Who is she?…
On the seashores?…
*Words by Minotaur.

Examples of back mount frame + what is Dibond printing:

A lightweight alternative to aluminium, dibond is perfect for archival framing and large print mounting. When weight is an issue because of framing or transportation 3mm Dibond (aluminium composite) is a good alternative to aluminium. Dibond is one of the strongest and long-lasting printing signage on the market that even if exposed to harsh weather, is decompose proof and resistant to fading. If Dibond print signs are used for indoors it can last you up to 10 years or more- outdoors will last you up to five years.

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